It's a question that has been on many of our minds: can you achieve your dreams when you're a mother?
Yes, and no.
The simple answer is yes—but it's also more complicated than that. Of course, if you've always dreamed of being an astronaut and being a mom doesn't jive with that dream, then maybe it's time to reassess your priorities.
But if having children is something you've always wanted, then there's no reason why they have to stand in the way of achieving other goals. You might have heard stories about women who have given up their careers after having kids or even turned down job promotions because they didn't want to leave their kids at home with strangers all day long. That is also my story.
But that's not true for everyone! If you're pursuing a career path that allows for flexibility and/or remote work, then there are plenty of ways to make it work while still spending quality time with your kids (and being able to see them grow up). Keep in mind that every family situation is different—even when two people have similar careers, there could be any number of factors that come into play when deciding how much time someone will spend at work versus at home. Here are some tips if you want to make it work:
-Make sure you set aside time every day to pursue your goals. This might mean waking up early or going to bed late, but it could also mean carving out some time in the middle of the day when nobody else is home. That way, you'll have peace and quiet—and nobody will be around to distract you from what you're doing or ask questions about why it's taking so long!
-When you're with your kids, focus on them—but don't forget about yourself! If there's something that needs doing at home (such as cleaning up after dinner), do whatever part of it needs doing first so that later on when everyone else has gone home and there's nothing else left to do but relax, then relax! You deserve it!
-Don't feel guilty about pursuing your dreams while also being an incredible parent. The fact that you became a parent does not mean that you have to lock yourself in a cupboard of darkness. Yes your children are the most beautiful and important blessing you have but you matter also. Your dreams are important as well and at the bottom line, when your children look at you and you are happy, they feel happy too.
Set your boundaries with other members of your family for example your husband. Try to work out a schedule for everything, for every single detail. That way when things have to be done there will be no fuss. After all it takes two to tango! Your soul mate can really be helpful, don’t be embarrassed to ask for their help.
Remember to smile and be happy when the opportunity comes, because it will come !